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Create your logo in any language with Logaster

With Logaster is always possible to create a logo with supporting the most popular symbols in any language. You can use any version of the site (, or and text will be displayed correctly. eng2 Everyone can create a logo using: – Latin (English); – Latin Extended (Á, Ĝ, Ġ, Š, Č, Ú, Ý, Ø, Ý and other characters); – Cyrillic (Russian, Ukrainian, Kazakh, Belarusian and other languages); – Japanese characters. The process of creating the logo is identical in any language: 1. Press “Create a logo.Выделение_006 2. Type the name of the company, for example, Cásé. Then select the type of activity and if you need to add a slogan. Выделение_002 3. Select one of the dozens generated beautiful logos. Выделение_003 4. Edit the selected logo if you need. It is possible to change text, font, color and icon and add a slogan. Выделение_004 5. Download the logo. Small logos are available for free. Full-length and vector logos can be downloaded after a small payment. Выделение_005 Logaster allows to create optimized versions of logos for social networking, business cards, as well as corporate letterhead with created logo. Do you have questions? Please ask us.

Head of Marketing and mastermind at Logaster. Authored the book «How to Create a Brand Identity Without Going Broke». Values the professional approach while being able to explain complex ideas in a simple way.

Full Brand Identity Package

Use the Logaster logo maker to quickly launch your company. Type in your business name and get a professional branding package in 60 seconds! Try us out — it’s easy!

At least 3 characters long.